
26 января 2008 г. [Обзор книги:] Петр Ярошински. Наука в культуре. (Piotr Jaroszyński. Science in Culture. Rodopi. Amsterdam - New York, 2007. 338 pp. ISBN-10: 90-420-2136-5) Наука наряду с моралью, искусством и религией является одной из важных областей культуры. Сегодня существует множество...

Петр Ярошинский – профессор Католического университета Люблина, автор множества учебников и научных трудов, шеф-редактор философского журнала "Человек в культуре" - прим. пер. Из книги "Давайте полюбуемся действительностью" Автор: Петр Ярошинский Социотехника – умение научного управления...

We sometimes wonder who it is in Poland that coordinates the mass media in such a blatantly anti-Catholic and anti-Polish way. There must be some coordination if almost the same second they focus on one particular subject and begin their barrage. Sometimes they will attack a project. Another time...

Author: Professor Piotr Jaroszynski of the Catholic University of Lublin, Doctor Habilitatus Contact: Piotr Jaroszynski: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. A Brief History of Lublin Thomism "Lublin Thomism" was born at the Catholic University of Lublin after the Second World War when Poland lost her...

La verdad como el valor ético y la universidad

Aunque la universidad nació en la Edad Media, sus raíces se remontan a las antiguas escuelas filosóficas y el Liceo de Aristóteles. En general, se basa en dos concepciones: a) cada persona humana está abierta a conocer la verdad b) el conocer la verdad y asimismo, el compartir la verdad tiene la...

Piotr Jaroszyński Curriculum vitae Formation: Études supérieures à l'Université Catholique de Lublin, Lublin, Pologne. Département de Philosophie. Maîtrise: Date d'obtention: 1979. Titre: "Polémiques au sujet du théme de la «Métaphysique» d'Aristote". Maîtrise dirigée par l'Abbé M.A.Krąpiec,...

by Piotr Jaroszyński There was no shortage of debates in post-1989 Poland: about the fishing industry, power generation, unemployment, political vetting, emigration, privatization etc. etc. But there was no debate about the state of Polish science, its past or its future. Polish science quietly...

Star. Saint Austin Review, September/October, vol. 6, No. 5, 2006, pp. 27-30. Piotr Jaroszyński. transl. Hugh McDonald Western civilization today has the mass media as its spiritual, and money as its material, keystones. The entire field of individual human creativity has lost its human face,...

Piotr Jaroszyński Studi universitari: L’Università Cattolica di Lublin (UCL, Polonia), La Facoltà della Filosofia Cristiana, 1974-1979: La laurea in lettere: 1979 (La controversia sull’oggetto della Metafisica di Aristotele secondo Joseph Owens, il promotore – prof. dr hab. Mieczysław A. Krąpiec...

Professor Doktor Piotr Jaroszyński Universität 1974 - 1979 – Studium der Philosophie an der Katholischen Universität in Lublin 1979 – Erlangung des Magistergrades in Philosophie (Streit über den Gegenstand der Metaphysik von Aristoteles in der Fassung von Joseph Owens; Promoter: Pfr. Prof. M.A....

Prof. Piotr Jaroszyński, Estudios: Católica Universidad de Lublin (KUL), Facultad de Filosofía Cristiana 1974-1979 Tesis de magisterium 1979 (Controversia sobre el objeto de la Metafísica de Aristóteles según Joseph Owens), director de la tesis - Prof. dr hab. Mieczysław A. Krąpiec doctorado 1983...

Although the average man on the street is preoccupied by his daily affairs, looks forward only to the very near future, and ignores the past almost completely, the past still greatly influences both the present and the future, and even the very distant future. It suffices to point out the claims...

Hugh McDonald web site on Polish Classical Philosophy (Thomism) Piotr Jaroszyński Born 1955 1979, M.A. in Philosophy, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. "The Controversy Concerning the Object of Aristotle's Metaphysics according to Joseph Owens" 1983, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Catholic University...

After 1989, the post-communist countries opened to the West. What began to arrive from the West? Where atheism had formerly ruled, sects began to report in. Where once there had been the living Church, an intense process of secularization began. Liberalism and post-modernism provided ideological...

Polish pain for the world to see

Polish pain for the world to see ( Oby świat ujrzał polski ból) Miranda Devine The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, April 17, 2010 They were ''the most patriotic of the political elites … who remained faithful to the ideals of Solidarity, not only in the difficult times of communism, but also in...

Evildoers, not Pope, to blame

Evildoers, not Pope, to blame (Potępiać należy złoczyńców, nie papieża), Miranda Devine, The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, April 15, 2010 Professor Piotr Jaroszynski from Poland's Catholic University of Lublin has written in the Catholic country's mass newspaper that the offensive against the...

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